Session 14: Tasks of Grief
Grief is a process of healing from loss : Be open to feeling what we feel rather than trying to shut out our feelings. Being open to feeling what we feel is an exercise of self- empathy and putting our lesson on Feelings 101 into practice . When we try to shut out your feelings, they don't necessarily go away and we merely are prolonging our pain when we do this. Accept what is within our control and what is not in our control. Acceptance is not about "moving on." It is about acknowledging that the loss has occurred, acknowledging what is beyond our control. Adapt to reality, make necessary adjustments to manage day-to-day life. Adapting is not about "moving on." Adapting is about making sure the bills are being paid on time, dinner is on the table, dishes are being washed, bathrooms are being cleaned, and having the courage to ask for help with getting things done, and help with self-care . Remember / Memorialize / Honor who or what was lost. This ...