Session 6: Self-concept in relation to peer and family dynamics
1. Show how our inner critic focuses on particular negative attributes and can paint an overall distorted picture of who we really are, and how we really appear to others.
2. Emphasize how there is much more to ourselves than what how our inner critic judges us. Also, sometimes our inner critic does not recognize our dignity and our inherent self-worth. [Respect, Trust, Acceptance]
3. Discuss how having an accurate understanding of ourselves comes from our openness to being seen and heard by others and communicating with others. [Empathy, Courage]
1. All students meet together in same classroom. Students write on a piece of paper how they would describe themselves - what they see in themselves such as traits, personality, appearance. We will not have them share what they wrote.
2. Watch "Dove Real Beauty Sketches" video together as class:
3. Refer to lyrics of song "Fingerprints of God": Never has there been and never again
Will there be another you
4. Break out into small groups to discuss.
Possible Discussion Questions
Do you recognize the positive in yourself or do you mostly focus on the negative?
Do you assume that others view you negatively?
Do you focus on the negative in other people?
Have you experienced how you form an understanding of yourself through relating with others?
Perhaps difficulty in viewing ourselves positively comes from perfectionism and a perfectionist culture and the insecurity that comes from falling short of a perfectionist ideal?
Como te ves a ti mismo?
Asumes que los demas te ven negativamente?
A veces? Por que?
Cuando te ves a ti mismo…
Reconoces los positivo en ti?
…O solo lo negativo?
Te concentras en los negativo?
Recuerda que eres un regalo.
Nunca lo ha habido y nunca mas habra otro tu. Creado por la mano de Dios y perfectamente planificado ser quien eres. Desde el primer latido de tu corazon es una obra de arte viva que respire y no tiene valor.
Te concentras en lo negativo
de otras personas?
Gran parte de lo que sabemos sobre nosotros mismos se revela a traves de nuestra relacion.
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