Home Stretch Sessions: Personal Mission Statements + Credo

 Writing your personal mission statement

(original cast of TV series "Mission Impossible")

 Writing your personal motto/credo

Example: "Anything is possible."

Activity #1: Mission Statement
Students write out these prompts as "clouds" on a piece of paper:

    1. Knowledge I wish to gain in high school:
    2. Activities I want to be part of in high school:
    3. Traits of friendship I seek in high school:
    4. Jobs I might want to pursue after high school:
    5. Place(s) I may want to live after high school:
    6. The type of student I want to be:
    7. Reminder(s) to myself about looking after my mental health:

Activity #2: Credo/motto
Students come up with their own credo/motto for life.


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