The golden thread at the core of all topics during the 20 weeks

Feelings 101 - central tenets

1.  Having feelings is part of being human.

2.  Feelings are painful sometimes! And this hurt can have an overwhelming grip on our thoughts and behavior.

3.  We either respond to feelings in healthy or unhealthy ways. Too often it is in our nature to go down the latter path.

4.  Unhealthy response:  the impulse to throw your phone on the ground or hit someone when you're angry. the impulse to seek a "high" to escape from a bad feeling.

5.  Healthy response: Acknowledge the feeling. Sit with the feeling and appreciate how it can give us a helpful insight to ourselves and reality. Acknowledge that there is so much out of our control but that it is well within our control to make the choice to be on a better path.

"I acknowledge this grief/annoyance/grudge/worry/excitement I feel and I seek to understand how it is impacting my thoughts and behavior."

"Although so much to how I feel is not totally under my control and I cannot experience change totally on my own, I do have the choice to seek a better path and exercising this choice makes the world of a difference."


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